____________ ___ __ ________ ________ __ ___ / _____ / / / / / / ___ / / ___ / | | / / / / /__/ / / / / / /__/ / / /__/ / | | / / / / ______ / / / / / _____/ / _____/ | |/ / / / /__ / / /__/ / / / / / | / / / / / /_______/ /__/ /__/ | / / /____/ / / / / / ______________________________________/ / /___________/ /_________________________________________/ GuppY v4.6 ========== Version 4.6.10 - September 7th, 2009 CeCILL Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Laurent Duveau Initiated by Laurent Duveau and Nicolas Alves Site Web = http://www.freeguppy.org/ e-Mail = infos@freeguppy.org Table of contents 0. Preamble (PLEASE READ IT ALL!) 1. Introduction 2. Setup 2.1 First setup (demo) 2.2 Clean Setup 3. Upgrade 3.1 Upgrade from the same main version (applying the latest patch) 3.2 Upgrade from a previous main version (Migration) 5. Configuration 6. Managing contents 7. Internal operation 8. Compatibility 9. Troubleshooting 10. technical remarks 10.1 email 10.2 free.fr - specific email 10.3 Files upload 10.4 Content sharing between sites in RSS format 10.5. How to access to the mobile version of GuppY 10.6. follow-up e-mail to more than one recipient 11. License 12. Donation 13. The informal GuppY team 14. Will you join us? 15. Versions history 0. Preamble (PLEASE READ IT ALL!) ------------------------------------ Welcome on GuppY, the easy web portal that does not require a database. GuppY is the new name for miniPortail as from version 2.4. Why did we change the name? Well, it is pretty simple: many miniPortail users told us that the "mini" part of the name (which means "tiny" in French) mistaked them about the real and numerous features of this web portal. Why GuppY as a name then? Some people tried to find some kind of acronym like "GuppY is a Universal PHP Portal for You". But, to tell the truth, GuppY is just the favourite fish of aldweb This readme.txt file is long and as exhaustive as possible. Two other documentations complement this readme.txt file: - the GuppY FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - the beautiful user manual written by Zerg (French version) and WackoJacko (English translation) You will find them on the GuppY website (http://www.freeguppy.org/). Read CAREFULLY this documentation before asking a question on the GuppY forum which is hosted on the GuppY website (http://www.freeguppy.org/). We kindly ask you to read it CAREFULLY because more than 90% of the questions raised on the GuppY forum are answered in this documentation. Thank you for not writing to me personally with an e-mail for asking questions regarding the understanding or the use of GuppY, my e-mailbox is saturated all of the time with e-mails and my free time to answer you being limited! A member of the GuppY team or another user will answer you much quicker and often much better than I would do on the forum. In addition, all GuppY users will then benefit from your questions and the provided answers. But, before asking a question, please respect our work and check carefully that you read CAREFULLY all of the available documentation. I hope that I have made this point clear now! As for saying thank you and for writing other nice comments, please consider posting a message in the guestbook on the GuppY website or on my personal website before writing to me.... Thanks! But, if for some reason you really want to write us, please use the infos@freeguppy.org e-mail address which is accessed by all GuppY Team members. I wish you a good reading, Laurent Duveau (aka aldweb) 1. INTRODUCTION ------------------ GuppY is a small web portal, meant to be easy to use for the end user that you are, and which does not require a database to run. This architecture allows then to install it on almost all Internet web sites host (or almost all of them), the only prerequisite being that your host has to provide the PHP scripting language facility. You don't need to know HTML, the MySQL database administration or PHP, GuppY offers a full and secured administration interface to manage the look & feel of your web site as well as the content of the different headings of your site. GuppY offers the standard functionalities of a web portal: - multi administration - Optional members management - articles - news - blog - papers - links - downloads - photos slideshows - guestbook - forum - FAQ - poll - visits counter - click counter, downloads counter - newsletter - admin area - optional admin member add-on - and so on... Furthermore, GuppY provides a very ORIGINAL management of high added value: in addition to be natively MULTILINGUAL, GuppY offers the possibility of a BILINGUAL display of the contents,since a 2 language-display is available. 2. SETUP ----------- 2.1 FIRST SETUP (demo) --------------------------- This first setup paragraph explains to you how to set up a GuppY web site with some demo content, so that you can play with it. 1. Download the guppy.zip file (http://www.freeguppy.org/) on your PC. 2. Unzip this guppy.zip file in a directory of your PC with your favorite unzipping tool (WinZip, UltimateZip...). 3. EXCELLENT, GuppY is ready to run ! 4. If you wish to play with GuppY on your PC before putting it on the Internet, install a webserver and PHP (you may also rather install a package like EasyPHP - http://www.easyphp.org/) on your PC and copy the content of the directory where you unzipped guppy.zip in the www sub directory of EasyPHP, then launch EasyPHP... and your site will be running locally on your PC. It's just as easy as that ! 4 bis. If you wish to install your web site directly on the Internet, then copy all unzipped files via FTP to your site with a simple FTP client software (IE, Netscape, CuteFTP, etc...). And that's all, you now just need to input the URL of your site in your browser to find yourself on your web site. 5. Wonderful, you just installed GuppY successfully ! IMPORTANT NOTICE: - If you do not plan to prepare a new clean database, delete the install/ directory now. Otherwise anybody could run it on your web site and delete all the contents on your web site ! ALTERNATIVE: you can also download EasyGuppY on the GuppY site. EasyGuppY is a package made of a web server, PHP and GuppY, all packaged with an automated install program for a PC with Windows. You just cannot do easier than that ! "CHMOD" Note : Here is how to set up files rights for web servers that require it (not all of them require it). 1. Directory admin - File admin/mdp.php : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 admin/mdp.php + Directory admin/redac : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 admin/redac - Files admin/redac/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 admin/redac/* 2. Directory data : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 data - Files data/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 data/* + Directory data/archive : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 data/archive - Files data/archive/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 data/archive/* + Directory data/cache : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 data/cache - Files data/cache/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 data/cache/* + Directory data/countmsg : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 data/countmsg - Files data/countmsg/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 data/countmsg/* + Directory data/usermsg : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 data/usermsg - Files data/usermsg/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 data/usermsg/* + Directory data/error : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 data/error - Files data/error/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 data/error/* 3. Directory file : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 file - Files file/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 file/* 4. Directory img : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 img - Files img/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 img/* 5. Directory pages : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 pages - Files pages/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 pages/* 6. Directory photo : rights = 777. UNIX command = chmod 777 photo - Files photo/* : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 photo/* 7. For all skins directories, it is necessary to chmod the skin configuration files - skin/your_skin/confskin.inc : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 skin/your_skin/confskin.inc - skin/your_skin/style.css : rights = 666. UNIX command = chmod 666 skin/your_skin/style.css How can you detect that you should execute these "CHMOD" ? Well, it is pretty easy to know, it is in the case you get many error messages of this kind: Warning: fopen("data/logh.dtb","w") - Permission denied in http://www.mysite.com/inc/functions.php on line 198 Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in http://www.mysite.com/inc/ functions.php on line 206 Warning: fopen("../data/logh.dtb", "w") - Read-only file system in functions.php on line 198 Warning: fputs(): supplied argument is not a valid File-Handle resource in functions.php on line 206 .htaccess notice: GuppY is shipped with a .htaccess file in the root directory. This file is only useful if your web site runs with an Apache server (this is the case most of the time). Here is its structure: -------------------------------------- Order allow,deny Deny from all Satisfy All Order allow,deny Deny from all Satisfy All ErrorDocument 400 /error.php?err=400 ErrorDocument 401 /error.php?err=401 ErrorDocument 403 /error.php?err=403 ErrorDocument 404 /error.php?err=404 ErrorDocument 500 /error.php?err=500 -------------------------------------- The first 5 lines are used to protect the content of your database from hackers and other bad people (and there are some !). Otherwise, files like the data/frth.dtb file for example which holds all e-mail addresses of the people who posted a message in the forum can be read and even help to enrich a Spam file (ugly !). These 5 lines are not to be modified. The 5 following lines are used to direct users to the error page when ask for a non existing page or other possible errors. These lines might require to be adapted (with a simple text editor like Notepad or Wordpad for example) according to where you have put your GuppY. If you installed GuppY at the root of your site (URL = http://www.yoursite.com/) then you have nothing to do. But if you installed it in a directory of your site (URL = http://www.yoursite.com/here/ for example) then you will have to modify these 5 lines : ------------------------------------------- ErrorDocument 400 /here/error.php?err=400 ErrorDocument 401 /here/error.php?err=401 ErrorDocument 403 /here/error.php?err=403 ErrorDocument 404 /here/error.php?err=404 ErrorDocument 500 /here/error.php?err=500 ------------------------------------------- In some cases, you might need to modify these 5 lines as follows (for a website having an URL like http://www.yoursite.com/) : ------------------------------------------------------------- ErrorDocument 400 http://www.yoursite.com/error.php?err=400 ErrorDocument 401 http://www.yoursite.com/error.php?err=401 ErrorDocument 403 http://www.yoursite.com/error.php?err=403 ErrorDocument 404 http://www.yoursite.com/error.php?err=404 ErrorDocument 500 http://www.yoursite.com/error.php?err=500 ------------------------------------------------------------- Or, if installed in the here/ subdir : ------------------------------------------------------------------ ErrorDocument 400 http://www.yoursite.com/here/error.php?err=400 ErrorDocument 401 http://www.yoursite.com/here/error.php?err=401 ErrorDocument 403 http://www.yoursite.com/here/error.php?err=403 ErrorDocument 404 http://www.yoursite.com/here/error.php?err=404 ErrorDocument 500 http://www.yoursite.com/here/error.php?err=500 ------------------------------------------------------------------ It would also be wise to protect your admin/ directory by a user name and password within the .htaccess file. As the way of doing it is usually specific to your web host, please refer to its documentation on this topic. For further information on how to protect your web site with a .htaccess file, please refer to the official Apache documentation. 2.2 CLEAN SETUP -------------------- The clean setup is meant for when you want to erase the demo content and start with a brand new empty GuppY site. The starting point is for this clean install is anywhere between the first install and anything you did with the demo content. It will erase all of the content but keep the current parameters made in the different "Config something" admin areas. 1. If your web site URL is http://www.mysite.com/ input the following URL in your browser : http://www.mysite.com/install/ 2. Follow instructions for a "Clean install". 3. Wonderful, your web site is ready to run with your content ! IMPORTANT NOTICE : - Make sure that all the files in the install/ directory were deleted. Otherwise anybody could run it on your web site and delete all the content on your web site ! - If you cannot see the install/ directory anymore, then it means that everything is fine. The same conclusion applies if the install/ directory still exists but is empty (you should the delete it by FTP, as your web host does not allow its deletion with PHP). 3. UPGRADE ------------- You now have a running GuppY but you feel like upgrading it. What you must understand in the first place is how the different versions of GuppY have been named. A Guppy version is identified by three numbers, e.g. 4.6.10. The first two digits indicate the main version of Guppy whereas the third one is the corrective patch number of the main version. For instance, "4.6.10 means that the main version number is 4.6. upgraded with ten corrective patches for the main version. When upgrading, you will have to make a choice: either your Guppy is already running on the last version available, or it is a previous version. In the former case, you have to add a patch to your running GuppY, and in the latter, you'll have to migrate from the old version of GuppY to the latest one. 3.1 UPGRADE FROM THE SAME MAIN VERSION (applying the latest patch) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Your GuppY is already in the 4.6.x version (x < 10) and you want to upgrade to 4.6.10. To achieve this, you can download patches on Freeguppy (http://www.freeguppy.org/). And again there are two cases: either you Guppy is in the previous version (for instance 4.6.9 to be upgraded to 4.6.10), or it is in an older version (4.6.x with x range from 0 to 8). In the 1st case, you will use the non cumulative patch 4.6.10 which allow upgrading from version 4.6.9 to version 4.6.10 . In the second case, you will use the cumulative patch 4.6.10 which includes all corrections up to version 4.6.10 . It allows uppgrading from any intermediate version to 4.6.10 version . One you have downloaded the right patch, all you need to do is decompress the archive zip of the patch to a temprary folder and copy all files and sub-folders of this directory into the root folder of your website. 3.2 UPGRADE FROM A PREVIOUS MAIN VERSION (MIGRATION) --------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT NOTICE : The migration script is intended for websites running miniportail version 1.8 or later / 2.4 or later GuppY version. If your site is in a previous version of miniportail / GuppY, you'll have to comply with these instructions: - Follow the steps 1 to 6 the migration procedure below. - Then, launch install/migrate17.php followed by install/migrate18.php if you are in version < 1.7 of miniportail. - or else you may launch install/migrate18.php if you are in version 1.7 of miniportail. - Go then to step 7 of the migration procedure below. Notice: these old and "dirty" scripts are not maintained anymore by the Guppy development Team. On the contrary, the new script will be maintained for the next versions. 1. Back up all of your web site before going ahead with the next step. 2. Run a "DB integrity check". Make sure it finds no error or run it again. 3. Your data is put in the 4 directories data/, file/, img/ and photo/. Therefore, you must not delete them from your web site. 4. Disactivate the skin and the plugins you are using: 4.1 Go to Config site to activate the skin "no_skin". 4.2 Go to the management pages of your plugins to remove their icons from the top icon bar. 4.3 Go to Config boxes to remove lateral boxes. 5.Delete the files that are at the root of your site (/) and the directories admin/, inc/ and mobile/ (mobile/ appeared with version 2.3), and plugins/ (plugins/ appeared with version 3.0) their content, as well as all their subdirectories and their contents. 6. Copy the new directories and files from the latest version of GuppY (that is /, admin/, inc/, mobile/, pages/ and plugins/) as well as install/ and it's content. 7. Check if the "CHMOD" notice (from paragraph #2) is required for your installation. This will be the case if you had to apply it for your previous miniPortail / GuppY installs/migrations. 8. If your web site URL is http://www.mysite.com/ input the following URL in your browser : http://www.mysite.com/install/ 9. Follow instructions for a "Migration". 10. Great, you have just migrated to the latest version of GuppY. 11. Some modifications in the GuppY parameters require that you to check for "General Config", "Site Config", "Sections Config", "Services Config" and "Boxes Config". You will also have to run a "DB integrity check" for updating the GuppY database indexes. 12. You eventually have to install your skin and plugins when you have checked they are compatible with the current version. IMPORTANT NOTICES : - Once you have finished migrating, make sure that all the files in the install/ directory were deleted. Otherwise anybody could run it on your web site and delete all the content on your web site ! - If you cannot see the install/ directory anymore, then it means that everything is fine. The same conclusion applies if the install/ directory still exists but is empty (you should the delete it by FTP, as your webhost does not allow its deletion with PHP). - After the migration, the admin password is reset to "pass". Don't forget to change it. 4. This paragraph does not existe anymore; it has been incorporated in the above paraphs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CONFIGURATION ------------------- 1. Begin by registering as member on your own website ("Préférences box", "Become a member") 2. Click on the Admin icon in the top bar. 3. A prompt for a password appears. Key in "pass" (without the quote marks). You will need to hurry up to change this default password on the administration menu ! 4. And there you are, you find yourself in the administration interface. 4.1 First compulsory step: Click on the "password" to change it. 4.2 Second compulsory step: Click on the "General Config" icon to check that the boxes "Site's URL :" and "Meta Identifier URL :" are properly filled in with the EXACT address of the site (ex: http://www.mywebsite.com/ ) In case of doubt, the following method will automatically fill in the two boxes: .... Go to the General Config page .... Empty both boxes .... Save the configuration GuppY will then fill in the two boxes with the right address. .... Save this configuration with the two properly filled in boxes. 5. The first set of icons is made to set the parameters of your web site (languages, look & feel, services to activate, etc...), to maintain it (but you don't need to do it yet) and to change the administration password (do it right now !). Take the time to fill in correctly the forms that are called by the 6 "Config" icons. 6. All other icons allow you to manage the content of your web site with a very intuitive interface. IMPORTANT NOTICE: - At any time, you can reset your password to "pass", just by uploading back by FTP the admin/mdp.php file. 6. MANAGING CONTENTS ----------------------- GuppY works thanks to the latest web technologies. To understand how it works, let's go back to the way a traditional web page is created. In a classical web page, you input some text in the middle of which you insert some HTML (acronym of Hyper Text Markup Language) tags that tell to the web browser (Netscape, Firefox or Internet Explorer for example) how to place and format the different components (text, images, links...) in the page. You then need to manually link the different pages between them using the HTML linking tag. And, each time you want to change the look & feel of your web site, you have to work back on all pages... This is a heavy and tedious job, and you easily come to spend more time managing the formatting of your pages than their content ! Now there are full web programming languages that allow you to manage the Internet content like any software that runs on your PC. GuppY uses the most used of them being PHP (which stands for Hypertext PreProcessor). The principle of GuppY is the following one : the content (which is stocked in a little "textfile" database) is separated from the formating (which is managed by the PHP scripts that make GuppY). And, we then get what is called a CMS (acronym of Content Management System). So, at the end, you only have to input the information in the appropriated areas (papers, news, etc...) using an administration interface (which you reach through the Admin icon at the top right corner of the screen) and GuppY takes care of the management and the formatting of this information according to the clicks of your web site's visitors. As HTML tagging is allowed, you can use all HTML tags that you want (IMG, A, B, I, U, etc...) in papers, news, links, etc... Check and make sure each time that these tags don't prevent your web site to display correctly. Note : your site will also be beautiful if you don't use HTML tags. The visitors of your site can by themselves post news, messages in the guestbook or in the forum. The use of HTML tags has been slightly restricted for them, in order to avoid any interference with your site's displaying, but a tiny editor helps them in using most used tags. You have 5 directories available to put specific objects (through the use of the Files icon): - file: to put downloadable files. You will then refer to these files with the use of the following HTML tag: [A HREF="file/fichier.ext"]texte[/A] (replacing the [ and ] by < and >). - img: to put background images, your logo and all images with which you wish to make your site attractive. You will then refer to an image with the following HTML tag: [IMG SRC="img/image.ext"] (replacing the [ and ] by < and >). - photo : to put the photos of your diaporama. The diaporama automatically detects the images that were put in this directory and will present them for displaying. - pages : to put specific HTML or PHP pages. You will then refer to these files with the use of the following HTML tag : [A HREF="pages/page.ext"]texte[/A] (replacing the [ and ] by < and >). - flash : to put videos except flash banner that must store in img directory. Another important directory managing the look of your pages is /skin. In that directory you put the skins of your site. 7. INTERNAL OPERATION ------------------------ Let's say it one more time, GuppY does not require the use of a database like MySQL. This provides a great flexibility and many advantages : - Almost all Internet hosts can be chosen (they just need to offer the PHP scripting language in which GuppY is written). - There is no need for a very sophisticated knowledge in installing a database (please refer to the very simple installation procedure of GuppY). - The display of pages is highly accelerated as the database management is usually the bottle neck of the Internet hosts. - Bug correction in tracking hits The information managed by GuppY are stored in text files (with a .dtb format) or PHP files (with a .inc format) in the data/ directory. 8. COMPATIBILITY ------------------- To work properly, GuppY needs that your web browser can manage correctly CSS stylesheets and HTML version 4. GuppY should work properly with Internet Explorer 6 and subsequent, Netscape 6, Firefox, Safari and Opera. I have tested it with Internet Explorer , Firefox 3, Safari 3.0.2 and Opera 9.64 but your feedback with other browsers will be more than welcome. Please note that the functionality of the on board WYSIWIG editor of GuppY requires to work with Internet Explorer 5.5 and subsequent,Firefox 3 or later, Safari 3.0.2 and later or Opera 9.6.x The old editor has been kept available. It's been improved and can be used in simplified mode in case of non compatible browsers. 9. TROUBLESHOOTING --------------------- The new WYSYWIG is quite new and may show some defaults that will be fixed later. A simplified editor is available in case of non compatible browsers. 10. TECHNICAL NOTICES ------------------------ 10.1 email Some web hosts do not work with the standard PHP mail() function, but with a modified version (like Online.net or Nexen.net for instance) or with a tricked version (like Free.fr for instance, see paragraph 10.2.). As from version 2.4 of GuppY, these e-mail functions can be set up in a dedicated inc/mail/ directory. If you write such a script for a web host specific function (see the Online.net.inc and Nexen.net.inc to learn how to proceed), the GuppY development team would be more than happy to receive a copy of it. 10.2 free.fr - specific email Now Free uses the standard php mail function. Then you don't need to use "protomail". 10.3 Files upload Some web hosts disable the HTTP file upload functionality. Then, the Upload admin functionality will be useless. Upload your files on your site using your FTP software. 10.4 Content sharing between sites in RSS format Some web hosts limit the PHP include() function to access only internal files, not files from another website. Then, the news sharing module between sites in RSS format will not work. 10.5. How to access to the mobile version of GuppY If your site is accessed this way: http://www.yoursite.com/here/ (for example), then the mobile version (which is a lightened version of GuppY aimed for PDA users and blind people) is easily and automatically accessed this way: http://www.yoursite.com/here/mobile/. Just put a link in your web site for telling your mobile visitors how to access it. 10.6. follow-up e-mail to more than one recipient An example of a function which sends follow-up e-mails to more than one recipients is given in inc/mail/more1receiver.inc. Be careful that you have to edit the inc/mail/more1receiver.inc file (with any basic text file editor) and input the additional names and e-mail addresses. 11. LICENSE ------------ GuppY is distributed freely under the terms of the free CeCILL license (see pages/copyright-en.txt file). It means that you can use this script for free, modify it for your own use. If you distribute a modified version of it, this modified version has to comply to the CeCILL license as well. I CAN IN NO WAY BE ASKED FOR A RESPONSABILITY IN THE POSSIBLE DAMAGES THAT COULD OCCUR DUE TO THE USE OF THIS SCRIPT. 12. DONATION ------------- I develop and maintain my website and my freeware programs during my free time and also when I have a little money left. It is not my philosophy of life to get rich thanks to this work. However, if you like my web site and find GuppY useful, please consider making a donation to show your support. Any amount will be greatly appreciated. For donating, just go to the following address: http://www.aldweb.com/give.html 13. THE INFORMAL GuppY TEAM ---------------------------- I started alone this project and worked on it for 3 months before posting online the version 1.0 of miniPortail which was to become GuppY as from version 2.4. Some people got enthusiastic about miniPortail and they pretty soon joined me. THANK YOU GIRLS AND GUYS for your fidelity and confidence in this project. I should write here about all people, those that did this great work of translating miniPortail / GuppY to other languages (Damski was the first one to translate miniPortail to another language, being Spanish), those that provided me with good ideas and suggestions (I especially think about Don, Cees, and many others), those that kindly reported bugs (and that never complained about them), and even those that insulted me because of this portal ! But, I would forget one or two of you and feel so sorry about it that I will then just give a VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to those that work hard on the miniPortail project on a daily basis. Yes, A HUGE THANK YOU to all of you, members of the so called "GuppY Team". Find them every day on the official GuppY website here: http://www.freeguppy.org/. Please never forget that they are unpaid and help you on their free time, that you should always be courteous and kind with the "GuppY Team". Let me just take a little bit of this page to present these heavy workers that are the developers of GuppY : aldweb - crazy enough guy to initiate such a project - That's me! If you want to know more about me, please read my Hobbys web page. - e-mail : info@aldweb.com - Web site : http://www.aldweb.com/ Balou - marketing, sales (easy job, GuppY is free!) and security adviser - Balou provides add-ons and sample parametrizations for typical portals (weblog, discussion board...). He also takes care of checking that the installed web sites follow the basic security rules. - e-mail : balou66@free.fr - Web site : http://cybermediaconcept.free.fr/ Jean-Mi - the quiet phpman and a great bug tracker - Jean-Mi is expert es plug-ins, great PHP specialist and made the new search engine. - e-mail : jmmis@free.fr - Site web : http://www.jmmis.com/ Icare - handyman, odd jobs specialist - Not very bad but not the best at all... he made the GuppY blog and renoved the forum. - email : albert.aymard@orange.fr The new members: Djchouix - PHP, javascript and co have no secrets for him! - He made the new mini-editors for admin and adapted many wysiwyg editors for GuppY - e-mail: jchouix@orange.fr - Site web: http://lebrikabrak.free.fr Guppimode - fan of moving Internet - he wants to make GuppY crazy with all mobiles... - e-mail : iguppy@free.fr - Site web : http://iguppy.free.fr/ And now: Hpsam - HTML, XHTML, PHP, MySQL, CSS, Java, Javascript, Flash... - nothing can stop him when it's about coding. - e-mail : webmaster@hpsam.info - Site web : http://leconte-sylvain.hpsam.info/ Ghazette - do-it-yourself/Handyman, Searching for ideas, - always find a solution to please you, in particular center freeboxes. - e-mail : richard@ghazette.com - Site web : http://www.ghazette.com/ And I don'to forget Alex, historically the first to join me and Nicolas who made a lot of scripts for GuppY. 14. WILL YOU JOIN US? ---------------------- If you like GuppY and you wish to help us promote and develop it, you are very welcome. Here are a few ideas to improve it and for which your help will be more than welcome (there are improvements for all kinds of good willing people): - French / English translators for helping us to have the biligual content of the GuppY official website live - debugging, source code improvement. - new functionalities. - any idea that you will have. 15. VERSIONS HISTORY --------------------- v5.0 (AND following ones, perhaps not all of this wish list will be done in that release) - currently under development - - Overall objective: with the 4.x series, we achieve a functional maturity level. Now, we will focus our work on new technicals for more user friendliness and better managing. KISS... - Optimization of standards compliance - Take care of your suggestions posted on FreeGuppY v4.6.10 - September 7th, 2009 #253 - correction of the relative addresses of the images (img/, Inc/img/and photograph) in permanent addresses in the newsletter and flows RSS #253 - correction of the relative addresses of the links in permanent addresses in the newsletter, flows RSS and supervision emails #253 - correction of the anchors in the newsletter, which remains relative #253 - correction of the function pubDate #253 - correction of the UpdateDBBlog function #256 - correction of management in zone members in postguest.php #259 - correction of error.php following the patch 4.6.9 #260 - addition of the file install/migrate24.php #262 - correction of the bonds during the change of language #263 - addition of a function iconv when PHP < 5, thank you linuxmr #266 - correction about the tests in the course of a repertory with the function to is_dir #267 - correction of the taking into account of the language in FCKeditor #268 - NEW: the Banners function becomes bilingual #269 - correction of the management of the rights on the plugins for the writers #271 - correction for the use of the quotes in the categories #272 - replacement of the functions of family EREG depreciated starting from PHP 5.3 #273 - suppression of the popup vacuum in the blog, when the option "To mask the address enamel" is activated #274 - correction of many files for a better conformity with the recommendations of the W3C #275 - addition of freebox in the home page #276 - updated FCKeditor to release 2.6.4 #278 - addition of images for the extension of files : pdf, doc, xls, ppt and OpenOffice #279 - improvement of the tests on the URLS in General Config #280 - improvement of the diary page in the event of erroneous parameters #281 - impression of the central part of the pages with a dedicated stylesheet #282 - improvement of duplication with creation of the new element after validation and not before #283 - improvement of the test on REFERER it postguest.php #284 - improvement of duplication of the events of the diary #285 - correction of management member of the blog in banner page #287 - correction field not empty of FCKeditor #288 - correction code of all blog boxes #289 - correction css of head topic in thread.php, thanks Kamila #290 - removal of first (or theard) column empty while displaying with two columns only v4.6.9 - December 25th, 2008 - Correction of safety test in admin/inc/access.inc #232 - Correction of the test displaying the RSS icon en administration #231 - Function ShowBlock moved to inc/functions.php #221 - correction of the ShowBlock function - Function SearchOption moved to inc/functions.php #219 - Correction of TestEmail function in admin/inc/nwlist.inc #226 - Correction of discrepancies in statistics #218 - Addition / correction of the statistics for the Blog and Admin pages #216 - improvement of the checking of the variable $num in postguest.php #203 - Correction of the email used in the RSS #225 - Correction of the full page display mode of the blog #228 - Correction of the full page display mode of the forum #234 - improvement of the forum in case of subjec absent or archived #237 - Added calendar limitation in the blog from the first note till now #221 - Adde management of the non-existent pages of the blog #221 - Added checking of functions "Recommend this site" and "Mail PHP" #20 - Correction of items activation in the main menu #224 - Correction of some RSS feeds display #229 - addition of the field pubDate in flows RSS #240 - Added a test of security on the numeric parameters #242 - Added field URL of the site in the administration of the forum #241 - Added the header HTTP Content-Type with correct charset #245 - Added directory inc/jshead for the automatic loading of javascript in part HEAD of the page #246 - Many small corrections improving the compliance with W3C standards - Improvement of the migration - Optimization of the code of test of bank holidays - Improvement of the function "Add to favourite (suggestions box #156) - Remembering of the entry in case of already used pseudonym (suggestions box #160) v4.6.8 - May 24th, 2008 - corrected plugins list in admin/adminredac.php and admin/inc/plugins.inc - modified select in inc/boxsearch.inc, search engine in search.php - put again date of news (disapeared!) in inc/news.inc - corrected link of popup dwnld in download.php - added n° of topic, back to forum if no parameter in thread.php - corrected HTTP_REFERER test, and supervision mails in postguest.php/mod_thread.inc - corrected selecting comments in inc/bloglist.inc - deleted useless parameters of the link to global list in blog.php - corrected mistakes of $msg2 in admin/inc/members.inc - corrected display of fortopic.php, inc/topblog.inc and topforum.inc - corrected htmlentities management of FCKeditor - remplacing include by include_once for funcrss in admin.inc and maintain.inc - modified config2/config8.inc (generate automaticaly style.css if permitted) - added create/erase subdirectory in upload.inc - new release of pgeditor v4.6.7 - April, 23th 2008 - don't display useless icons in administration - corrected bad html tags in generic.htm - correction bug writing message in tinymsg.php - corrected search module - corrected bad tags br in postguest.php v4.6.6 - April, 14th 2008 - Corrected processing $serviz31 in admin/inc/config5.inc - correctes syntax errors in config6 et config7.inc - W3C validation icons are now removable in config1.inc - added select for categories, added puBR() in admin.inc - corrected language test in poll.php - corrected include place of hpage.inc in pages/sample.php - download possible if javascript not active et corrected caracteristics of the file in download.php - deletion of useless clear:both et

in links news and faq - corrected cursor in photorama.php - deleted useless quote in body tag of photoview.php - modification of updateDBdtb (new field date in blog) in functions.inc - created MAJ_BLOG.PHP to update the new field date of DBBLOG - corrected notes select in blogcalendar.inc - display error if a note isn't active in blog.php - corrected width and display of titles in blog.php, blog, blogcat and bloglist.inc - added attribute title in links of menu articles - corrected couic of forum counter and test thread topic in postguest.php - updated display of new and important in forum and thread.php - corrected empty $fieldmod, update fields for supervision in inc/mod_thread.inc - move onload adjust of calendar height to calendar.php for W3C compatibility - minimyzed search width in topblog and topforum.inc - added urlencode using all WriteMailto() functions - corrected hpage.js for display of news and last news - optimisation of hpage et bpage.inc to extend customisation facility - corrected days of the month in statcalc.inc - corrected searching photos in boxsearch.inc - corrected $err test in error.php - added header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not found") when page not found, thanks eDada - updated FCKeditor to release 2.5.1 v4.6.5 - December 5th, 2007 - Subscrition to newsletter with confirm message - Added rich text in tinymsg to all members - Corrected plugins list admin/plugins - Corrected errored $fieldd1 et $admin915 in admin.inc, thanks JeanMi - Better URLs input in config1 - Updated texte[4] in config2 - Corrected $$serviz[36] added space to $serviz[31] in config5.inc - discard useless > in config6.inc - Corrected border attribut in config8.inc - Replacement of button by input class=bouton in nwllist.inc - Corrected Collaborator select in attribdroits.inc - Corrected language test in inc/boxpoll.inc - Corrected item title in spécial box - Added blog in inc/statcalc.inc - Cancel useless flag in mobile - Optimized display of last news (no display of the box if no news) - Corrected mismatch display, delete display of read count if count unavailable in forum.php - Changed headTop table by divs in hpage.inc, thanks JeanMi - Corrected hardcoded itemsin download.php, boxsearch.inc, attribdroits.inc and upload.inc - Added stop on illegal input in printfaq.php - Auto adjustment of iframe height in inc/boxcal.inc - Corrected bad define CHEMIN and secure access in tinymsg.php - Corrected image display of stand alone note in blog.php - added checking destroy all in admin/inc/maintain.inc - added missing restriction to members in forum live v4.6.4 - November 04, 2007 - fixed vulnerability of error.php found by irk4z - fixed vulnerability of includes.inc found by irk4z v4.6.3 - August 30, 2007 - new: added duplicate for article, blog, news, etc... in admin.inc, thanks JeanMi - added administrator valivation for reaction on articles and blog comments - newsletter activation is now in services config with optionnal test of email server - you can display a plugin (or special box) in welcome page page, thanks JeanMi - deletion of current language icon in menubar - corrected links for supervision mails in postguest - better mail test in newsletter.php and admin/inc/nwllist.inc - corrected copyright in bpage.inc - corrected download files and admin download for multilingual files - replacement of ouvrir and fermer par language strings in menus (articles, blog, faq, links and download) - new strings in language files v4.6.2 - August 1st, 2007 - corrected css-validator link in bpage.inc - corrected screen_choice in hpage.inc - corrected blog display and missing end of page in blogrss.php - modification of select size in admin/inc/config6 and css rubr of config8.inc - new email testing process in newsletter.php - test email corrected in newsletter listing - corrected insert of CSS for IE in pgeditor - corrected DBNEWS item in functions.php - corrected p tag in agenda.php and inc/boxreact.inc - corrected some php short tags and bad xhtml tags forgotten v4.6.1 - July 3, 2007 - corrected last message link in forum and fortopic.php - corrected javascript in postguest.php - corrected css attributes in config8.inc - corrected padding for rubr class in style.css of each skin - corrected bug in IE editor - modification of test anti-theaf of cookie in includes.inc - corrected thread modification in admin.inc - corrected accentuated characters management in FCKeditor config - corrected PathAbs() in functions.php - corrected supervision mails in postguest.php - added strip_tags for all scripts names wanted by icons menu - added search for blog and comments in search.php - updated e-mail checking in newsletter.php - optimization of integrity check - corrected bad link for articles in funcrss.php - adding automatically new boxes (if needed) in boxes config - corrected many bad xhtml tags v4.6.0 - February 15, 2007 - NEW : Guppy has now it's own blog !!! - new forum release more efficient, with it's own configuration page (with charter) - edition of the posts by their respective authors and the admin/modérateurs - reorganization of cofiguration management - access to the fast administration for the collaborators - added plugins management rights for collaborators - added optionnal charter display in fortopic module - standard XHTML compliance - change TypeTool wysiwyg editor by FCKeditor, much in and xhtml compliant - replacement of the admin mini-editor - replacement of the wywiwyg editor for postguest - new photo et photorama modules with possible subdirectories - corrected display bug in download, faq and links modules - corrected vulnerability of archbatch.php and nwlmail.php - optional posting of the licence when downloading protected software - more efficient accessibility and better management with javascript disabled - choice of displayed page width (1024 or full size) - choice of full width display for forum and blog - correction of the calendar - improvement of the boxes positions (on top, at the bottom, in the center, on the sides) - management of the skins individualized and coupled with the boxes positions - integrated management of the style sheet css (generation, modification) - added disconnect/reconnect in user box with temporary save of your cookie - contact webmaster via the majority of messengers software - improved choice of the preferred message of the gold book in home page - improvement of the characters accentuated treatment in the name/pseudo - corrected php short tags for php5 compatibility v4.5.19 - November 10 2007 - correct error.php vulnerabilties discovered by rgod v4.5.18 - April 1, 2007 - correct FAQ member area - correct links mailto in Recommend and Webmaster contact mails - correct display bug of poll section in case of a second vote with IE - correct a link in the mobile version - Pseudo is readonly when you modify your account. In other case a new member is create. - Delete in admin counters the text over central box wich don't need to be here - correct function PathToImage() - correct 30 or 31 february display in calendrar v4.5.17 - January 31, 2007 -correction vulnerability of error.php found by rgod - correction boxcal.inc v4.5.16 - January 28, 2007 - correct function PathToImage() - correct news.inc - correct download.php - faq.php - links.php - add function IncrNextID() to avoid crushing an old document at the time of the creation of a new document v4.5.15 - 27 January 2007 - correction in case of one element in article in the left article box. - correct the invertion between creation and modification in FAQ - correct news in secund language - correct photorama for inbriqued galery - correct calendar box show if agenda is not activated. - correct postguest to disalow pust in unactivated services. - correct dwnld.php ($serviz[10] instead of $serviz[35]) - improvement of list of the subscribers to the neswletter - presentation of the most recent subscribers at the beginning of list - possibility of multiple deletions in only one action - presentation of the list by page of a maximum of 25 subscribers - correct tinymsg.php (deletion of the maxlength="10") - improvement of the PathToImage function to also correct the urls links v4.5.14 - Mai 19, 2006 - updating errors of 4.5.13 patch v4.5.13 - Mai 19, 2006 - correction of the files download.php, faq.php, links.php and news.inc - correction of the test prohibiting the use of the pseudo "Your Name" in newsletter.php - replacement of getenv("HTTP_USER_AGENT") by $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] in includes.inc - suppression of the posting of the reactions for the non-members in articles.php - correction of posting in photorama.php - correction of the activation of news RSS in hpage.inc - correction of the agenda for the second language - improvement of the search engine to respect the restrictions "members" v4.5.12 - March 9, 2006 - correction vulnerability of dwnld.php found by kapda.ir v4.5.11 - December 25, 2005 - correction second language in search.php - correction of the initialization of the parameters of the anti-spam - correction of the forced color with white for the icon "minus" of the downloads - correction of a test in the admin of the diary/calendar - standardization of the pages downloads, links and faq - filling of the cells of the calendar beyond the last day of the month - addition of a warning for the administrator when its site is in work - addition of controls in case of files docXXX.inc absent, empty or corrupted Suggestions box n°63 - interdition of the indexing of the error and newsrss pages by the robots Suggestions box n°48 - suppression of the underlining of the current page in the bar of navigation Suggestions box n°64 - addition of the text of the response on a subject of the forum in the mall of follow-up of a subject Suggestions box n°46 - correction of the return systematically in principal language at the time of the inscription of a visitor Suggestions box n°70 - addition of a posting unfolded when one reaches only one page of downloads (by &pg=99) - addition of a posting unfolded when one reaches only one page of links (by &pg=99) - addition of a posting unfolded when one reaches only one page of faq (by &pg=99) Suggestions box n°28 - addition of the choice of the state (active or not) of the elements created in admin. v4.5.10 - November 29, 2005 - correction of 5 vulnerabilties by rgod v4.5.9 - November 27, 2005 - correction of the selector of colors - correction of the menus articles under FireFox - minor corrections in many files - improvement of the archiving of the forum and the control of integrity - improvement of postguest.php v4.5.8 - October 16, 2005 - correction in postguest.php (add the missing break) v4.5.7 - October 8, 2005 - correction of the poll - improvement of the mechanism anti-spam - addition of the parameter setting of the mechanism anti-spam - correction of a input tag not closed in admin.php - correction of a head tag badly placed in calendar.php v4.5.6a - September 28, 2005 - correction of printfaq.php v4.5.6 - September 27, 2005 - correction of a vulnerability "file transverse flaw" in printfaq.php - correction of the error count during the control of integrity in batch - correction of two spelling mistakes in fr-admin.inc - improvement of the editor (meta and script) and the preview (flash) v4.5.5 - September 10, 2005 - correction of the admin. pages of the counters - correction of the newsletter (addition of the charset) v4.5.4 - September 6, 2005 - correction of two faults of safety (error.php and printfaq.php) Thank you Romano - final correction of the diary/calendar (see readme_agenda.txt) - final correction of the editor v4.5.3a - 30 August 2005 - correction of the diary into admin/inc/admin.inc v4.5.3 - 27 August 2005 - correction of the path of the file RSS (addition of data) thank you Tanet - correction of the diary/calendar - correction of the editor (taken into account of the path images, conversion \n <=>
into entry and exit) - correction of General Config (suppression of : $site[29] = "" // Libre) - correction of the couic putting the number of answers of the forum at 0 during physical suppressions - improvement of the shortened news (now in HTML) - standardization of the bar of navigation (files of the forum and "mobile" part) - improvement of the control of integrity by batch - addition of a mechanism anti-spam for all the posts v4.5.2 - 23 July 2005 - configuration in Config.Services of the number of files to be preserved in data/error - configuration in Config.Home of the number of characters of the news - correction of the class CSS of the categories on Download page and Links - correction of the class CSS of information (dates, counter...) on Articles page - correction of the path for the correct operation of the "shortcut ico" - simplification of the selector of image which accepts the sub-directories recursively of img and photo (removal of the files listimg1.php and listimg2.php) - addition automatic of "/" final of the URL of the site - improved the e-mails of supervision of the newsletter (e-mail in HTML + links usable) - correction of the path of the image used by the plugin speed . - suppression of the \r forgotten in inc/mail/standard_2.inc and inc/mail/standard_3.inc v4.5.1 - 07 July 2005 - Corrected collapsed categories list in photorama - optimized RSS news: new display with ceating date (thanks Tanet) - corrected mail sending process where needed in many scripts - corrected inverted summary between Italic and Underline in TypeTool editor - corrected a typing mistake and modified some pathes in postguest editor (thanks Djchouix) - Corrected writer connexion (it was able even if Writer option not checked!) - Corrected eMailHtmlTo() function to include real sender in webmaster mail and recommend) v4.5 - 28 June 2005 - Display managements lists with 25 items a page - Select actions by check boxes and global execution for all the page - Separate manager and writer connexion and better multi-management - New search engine with direct display of items found - Extension of quick management to all scripts - Checking tinymsg addresses to prevent mail usurpation - Partial news on home page (with "see more") - Dowload, links and FAQ updated as Nicolas's fork - Now the articles boxes stay opened on the selected article - Optimization admin editors (popup option) and easier insert of others editors - Added text preview in the mini-editor of admin - Optimization postguest editor (newline, forbidden tags, cite, code, preview...) - Corrected second language of the calendar, today highlighted only for current date - Added "alt" (thanks Hubby) and title on calendar days - On the calendar, clicking month name displays month planner, day displaying a summary of an event - Corrected Planner: displaying events of current month year+1 in now correct - Compatibility with new PHP releases (whatever are "register_globals", register_long_array", "register_notice") - Better security in icludes ans constants - Possible flash banners - Supervision mails with HTML tags - Sending mails in multi-formant (text + HTML). - New webmaster mail and optimized recommendation - Added reading link on supervision mails - Newsletter with HTML tags - Style ans skins optimized by using more div ans css v4.0 - 06 December 2004 - New WYSIWYG editor also running with Mozilla and sons... for admin articles. - Different admin levels - Admin icon in content for quick access on all document (for webmaster only) - optional members management - forum and guestbook posts submitted to administrator - form to write to the webmaster - agenda integrated with new calendar - title different on each page - new tiny messages manager - new tiny WYSIWYG editor for forum, news, guestbook... - more efficient counters management - Best looking forum, and so for all other pages v3.0p4 - September 06 2004 - limitation of the size of the inputs of the visitors v3.0p3 - July 29 2004 - solved a security issue (found by L0rd L4m3R) v3.0p2 - 9 April 2004 - Compatibility fix: now GuppY is fully compatible with Abyss webserver, KF Web Server, IIS and probably with other web servers (thanks Kromonos and lordloose) - removed 2 debug information lines forgotten during v3.0 development in the Search script (thanks Realia) - bug fix in the CSS style sheet (thanks Ouly) - bug fix in the GuppY skins which fooled Netscape (by Icare) - corrected the demo database in which some documents had parasitic "\" characters - removed the empty URL link display in the reaction box (thanks Realia) - corrected "adress" typo mistake to "address" in admin minieditor (thanks JeanMi) v3.0p1 - 26 February 2004 - bug fix (appeared with v3.0) in migration from v2.3 to v2.4, now migrates correctly the doc[n].inc files - bug fix, now checks e-mail correctly in the VerifyForm() function in user preferences - bug fix, now includes Protomail class only once in the Free.fr mail() management - ergonomic fixes in the e-mails sent when a user subscribes to the newsletter - bug fix, if no icons set selected, then do not display news image in the RSS news module - include only once reglobals if required (time saving when in admin) v3.0 - 25 February 2004 - added a "skins" themes system for boxes (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau). Thanks to Ricsen for designing the submit buttons - added a newsletter functionality with inscription form (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - added a logbook monitoring admin tool (by B@lou, Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - date format display fix in the mobile forum script (by B@lou) - added possibility to put all boxes on the right side in the user preferences - added GuppY copyright information on all pages because too many people were hiding that their website was built with GuppY or were definitely usurping the copyright :-( - pages compression introduced in v2.4 is now an admin option - created a plugins management system to ease the integration of plugin scripts to GuppY - changed sample external files to plugins - added 2 new options for dynamic list menu (thanks Graznok and Icare) - added UID management for Tiny Messages - added check for "(", ")" and ";" characters to avoid Javascript pollution attempts in URL input for guestbook (security improvement) - added check for too long words (to avoid display misalignment) in user posts, in tiny messages and in user preferences - Compatibility with php.ini register_globals=off parameter (thanks JonnyQuest)* - Friendly thanks (but late... because I had forgotten where I had found it!) to Pascal aka "Le Sorcier" (http://lesorcier.free.fr) for the miniportail_1 counter images set (the very first set, included as from version 1.0!) - also added a new progress bar for pages loading from Pascal aka "Le Sorcier" as well as another one which I do not remember where I found it... - new batch processing option for the database integrity check - fixed a bug in the DB integrity check that was so tricky that I just cannot find words to describe it... - added check for valid forum category in user posts (security enhancement) - new forum archiving and displaying of this archive module (please note that the search module does not scan the archived forum threads) - added an option for a "Please Wait..." message while a post is being processed and a check to avoid redundant posting (thanks Icare) - added a new pages/ directory to put external webpages in (instead of putting them in file/ rather dedicated to files downloads) - simplified language switch source code in the language selection box - added focus in tiny message input area (by B@lou) - fixed bug in search non working for News and Photos - news are now be published in the RSS standard Web content syndication format instead of a GuppY specific format (thanks Palmipod). This module uses the great GPL licensed lastRSS 0.6 PHP class to parse RSS files (by Vojtech Semecky, webmaster@webdot.cz, http/lastrss.webdot.cz/) - added an links animation effect option (thanks reddog) - replaced $REQUEST_URI global variable by $SCRIPT_NAME for IIS compatibility (thanks Erik) - changed $web30 and $web115 labels for better understanding (thanks FabriceV) - added Title meta tag management (thanks Tanet and Realia) - upgraded the printable version of articles (thanks tuture and B@lou) - bug fix in the user preferences that would hide forum signature in a very specific case (thanks bugs974) - automated return after posting (thanks Icare) - added 2 new PHP mail() functions standard formats - thanks to Realia for correcting the French spelling of the lisezmoi.txt file and to Neil for correcting my English in this readme.txt file - thanks to Realia for upgrading the demo database - thanks to the GuppY Team members for their hard beta testing! - first developed plugins in addition to the sample plugins: - live chat plugin (by Nicolas Alves) - NOTICE: separate download - postcards plugin (by Nicolas Alves) - NOTICE: separate download - radios plugin (by Nicolas Alves) - NOTICE: separate download - music plugin (by Nicolas Alves) - NOTICE: separate download v2.4p4 - 4 October 2003 - Various security corrections (by frog-m@n, http://www.phpsecure.info, thanks) v2.4p3 - 29 September 2003 - upgraded the ob_gzhandler functionality (compression of pages), now is done only if relevant (do not trust PHP and browsers anymore) - added an e-mail add-on for standard PHP mail() function, allowing to send follow-up e-mails to more than one receiver v2.4p2 - 28 September 2003 - bug correction = some users were suffering from very slow displaying of webpages, it is fixed now (thanks Nicol@s and Arnaud) - bug correction = counter follow-up e-mail sends back counter value - bug correction = buttons bar would not appear correctly (centered instead of left aligned) if Stats button was not displayed (Thanks Raiponce) - Translation upgrade = upgraded a French string (thanks FabriceV) - bug correction = the search engine would return no answer if the site was monolingual (thanks Laorens) - XSS security correction in the posting module (by Das, http://www.echu.org, thanks) v2.4p1 - 26 September 2003 - bug correction = now free.fr script works - bug correction = now the Stats module counts back the Number of Visitors - bug correction = now [ back] works after forum thread posting - bug correction = in mobile version, if no site logo, HTML code is now good (thanks Michel) - bug correction = some users could not post messages in the guestbook or forum, it is fixed now v2.4 - 24 September 2003 - added "Page loading" popup - Visitors counter now increments even if counter box not displayed - show pseudo of users online - added an icon for articles and news - added Search in one language only option - added a new smileys theme - added section icon in central boxes - added forum summary on home page (last messages) - moved homepage parametrization from General config to Services config - added Guestbook's favourite message on home page - added homepage's choice of central boxes (homepage box, last news box, forum in live box, favorite guestbook message box) - added a Config homepage icon in admin - changed mailto box to default pages' background color (no more white background) - split dynamic menu line if line too long - renamed Left and Right Articles boxes to 1st and 2nd Articles boxes - added react to an article option - added character set management in all parts it was forgotten: editor, table, special characters, e-mail popup, image picker (thanks Pavol) - replaced "Webpage Preview" string in the editor by string translated in the adequate language - upgraded the image picker - added access to the Image Picker in the admin basic editor - corrected a bug in the mobile version: the showing of articles for each of the 2 articles boxes is now fine (thanks Hubert) - added alternative label for language flag images - added alternative label for site's logo image (name of the site) - fixed a bug in the DB integrity check that occurred when the last document was created but not recorded in the indexes - changed the tile of the "Webmaster/Site Info" box by the shorter "Webmaster" (thanks Realia) - dynamic menus are now centered in articles boxes (thanks Pavol) - smileys now appear when content's text needs to be displayed in the admin's documents list (thanks Pavol) - added a new "windy" counter set (thanks César) and a new "sunflower" counter set (thanks Realia) - the information of box belonging (1st or 2nd) given for articles in the admin's documents list (thanks Pavol) - added option for choosing Articles mark in articles boxes (thanks Pavol) - added Hide Admin Button (by Nicolas Alves) - added Quick Article Admin Access (by Nicolas Alves) - "Become a member" button label becomes "Your preferences" if user registered (by Nicolas Alves) - show user name in the user box option (by Nicolas Alves) - Registered users can decide if they wish to appear in the online users list or not (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - tiny messages can be sent to online registered users (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - added number of times an article was read (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - added number of times a forum thread was read (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - added number of times a file was downloaded (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau). This counter does not work with the mobile version. - added backup counter for next forum thread number - upgraded eMailTo() function to accept additional specific e-mailing according to providers - added the "-f" parameter in the e-mail sending function (thanks Michel) - the eMailTo() functions works for the Free.fr webhoster (with the use of the Protomail library, GPL licensed) - added forum personalized signature for registered users - call to documents in database is no more done through an include() PHP function call but through a ReadDoc() dedicated function - fully reviewed all the Read & Write files access functions - added category ordering information for FAQ - added GetCurrentDateTime(), FormatDate() and FormatDateStamp() functions to ease various date and time formatings - added new date formats and created time formats - important source code upgrade in the admin/inc/config[n].inc scripts - added lookup for png and bmp images in IsImage() function - removed style sheet CSS from inc/hpage.inc and put it in a new inc/style.inc file - corrected a bug in the search script which would always say that articles found were in the 1st box (thanks Pavol) - for faster output, pages are compressed before being sent to the web browser (for websites running PHP >= 4 and for web browsers which are able to work with compressed pages) - secured command line parameters (Secunia Advisory: SA9621 about the lng parameter) - added 3 additional free boxes (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - made many changes in all scripts to decrease size of database files - NAME CHANGED : MINIPORTAIL BECOMES GUPPY v2.3p1 - 03 August 2003 - corrected bug in which next page link button in mobile news was wrong (thanks airhero) - bug correction: replaced include("minieditor.inc") by include("inc/minieditor.inc") in admin.inc (thanks Eddie) v2.3 - 27 July 2003 - added dynamic/list menu option - user news post: even if written in one language, put the news in both languages (until the webmaster translates it) - added three new smileys themes - added two new icons themes (thanks B@lou and Florent) - added case of only ONE news displayed on homepage (thanks Laurent Roger) - added direct jump to pages (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - changed from "tutoiement" to "vouvoiement" in the French language strings (thanks Realia) - minor font and text formating changes in search, quotations, general pages (thanks Realia and Nicolas) - fixed security issue (thanks frog-m@n, Secunia Advisory: SA8750) - fixed install script bug that would not launch home page when install files are erased - added a "no logo" option - WYSIWIG editor highly upgraded (by Nicolas Alves) - added a calendar box (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - option for choosing the number of items to display in news, forum threads, links, downloads, FAQ and Guestbook moved from Site Config to Services Config - homogenized central and lateral boxes rendering - bug correction: accepts e-mails like "firstname-lastname@site.com (accept "-" character). The check for the e-mail is not as exhaustive as it used to be but it checks for most bad input cases - added quotations style management (by Nicolas Alves and Realia) - added forms style management (by Nicolas Alves) - removed link on counter's numbers in counter box - changed from unformal "you" to polite "you" in the French version of this readme.txt file (by Realia) - added a first lever of user preferences management by cookie - added US date format management (thanks to Julien and to Realia for relaying the information) - added choice for letting visitors submit news or not - added search focused on one category (forum, articles, news...) - added a manual maintenance form for changing characteristics of a document (creation and modification dates, author and e-mail) - added basic editor capabilities for user input and in admin area (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - smileys are now inserted at cursor position and no more at the end of text - removed automated ErrorDocument management in .htaccess file for Apache servers (thanks Michel) - upgraded WriteMailTo() function for better SPAM protection (thanks Michel) - bug fix, papers from right articles boxes would not appear when left articles boxes was not active - developed a miniPortail extension adapted to Palm display capabilities (thanks Palmipod). Furthermore, this light display version is adequate for our blind friends who can now easily read a miniPortail web site (thanks Hubert) - images in side boxes are now always seen even if in the admin area (thanks Realia) - added charset meta tag in the HTML print friendly version of articles (thanks Pavol) - upgraded the d'installation / migration script - added two new sample external scripts which integrate with miniPortail (by Realia) - if no category for an article, remove parenthesis in print friendly version of the article (thanks Realia) - added an external script example integrated with miniPortail which displays the news of the aldweb Site - changed the order of Admin icons from a French alphabeutical sorting to one wanted to be more logical (thanks B@lou) v2.2 - 22 April 2003 - bug fix: "Times New Roman, serif" instead of wrong "Time New Roman, serif" (thanks Realia) - bug fix: now current hour stats are also reset when required in Admin - added thread message being answered to for reminder in answer form (by Nicolas Alves) - let webmaster decide how to place side boxes (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - added another box for articles in order to split articles in 2 main categories (by Nicolas Alves and Laurent Duveau) - added a new icons theme (by Roger) - added a new counter theme (by César) - added a smileys theme management (by Nicolas Alves) - splitted language file in two (admin and web) for faster pages loading - small update of the layout for e-mail sent to the webmaster in case of new thread - small bug fix "inc/img/trans.gif" instead of "/inc/img/trans.gif" in inc/boxhome.inc file (thanks Michel) - replaced [P][CENTER] by [P align="center"] otherwise IE takes the default font instead of the required one (Thanks Michel) - added option for choosing the number of items to display in news, forum threads, links, downloads, FAQ and Guestbook - upgraded CompteVisites() function to have it compliant to the miniPortail database, as well as all source code pieces thatqui accèdent aux fichiers ipstats.dtb et ippoll.dtb - changed source code for all accesses to the foreach() PHP function for compatibility with PHP3 as foreach() only works with PHP4 - changed source code for all accesses to the pathinfo() PHP function for compatibility with PHP3 as pathinfo() only works with PHP4 - renamed all $service[] variables to $serviz[] (for strange compatibility problems with some local Linux, the Mandrake one if I remember well) - automatic directory change in Upload area (no more need to press a button for changing of directory) - click on text formatting tag copies tag to text in user post form - new color selector in Site Config (by Nicolas Alves) - added a WYSIWYG editor for content in Admin area (by Nicolas Alves, who worked from a script basis whose original author is very badly unknown => we would have loved to ask for his approval and to thank him!) - some cleanup in the images organization has been made - rewrote the install script which is now a real clean install and migration script v2.1 - 10 March 2003 - fixed bug where Site URL and Meta Identifier URL were inverted - fixed a bug in which Javascript functions could lead to errors if single quotes were passed to these Javascript functions - click on smiley copies smiley to text in user post form (by Nicolas Alves) - management of 40x errors (for Apache web server only) - added a counter theme management (by Nicolas Alves) - added a color management for the side scroll bar (by Nicolas Alves) - focus on first field in input forms (by B@lou & Laurent Duveau) - fully rewrote the database integrity check and repair module v2.0 - 27 February 2003 - bug correction of the data validation in the user input forms - set background color to transparent for the About and DB Check icons - added metatags management (by Nicolas Alves & Laurent Duveau) - added fixed background image option (thanks Maxrebo) - site logo is no more a must, you can set up a site without a top left image logo now - the admin cookie is now automatically un-activated when closing the browser, no more a 24 hours survival duration (thanks Marc) - photos: corrected image file size calculation and merged the two boxes for photo displaying into one single box - added three new icons themes, one was made by B@lou - upgraded the Icon themes management (thanks Alex) - added auxiliary indexes rebuild in index database rebuild - added freebox and photo search - added links to jump back in thread and forum (by Alex) - removed input form on postguest form return & added back button to it - added a Go back to Top of page link at bottom of pages - added slogan display (thanks ßugs) - added a more sophisticated photo display management (with photo description) - added fortopic.php log (I forgot it in v1.9) and photorama.php log in Stats Log - added a system for e-mail addresses encryption (protection against SPAM) even though they appear fine on the browser's window v1.9 - 11 February 2003 - added update of statsbk.dtb and reset of ipstats.dtb when the visits counter value is manually modified - in the admin services selection, category for forum presentation was slighly changed for showing better that it is a sub option of Forum area - forum category added in the supervision e-mail sending - a few minor bugs were fixed - added a banners management - added an extra box (so called 'free box') - added an 'about' popup window - database integrity check tool - added an icons theme management v1.8 - 05 February 2003 - changed the title's text for forum thread in admin (the text was not correct) - title removed from Forum answers (was not needed and increased database size) - corrected bug where search result to forum thread would go in error - put back in admin/inc/img/ the smileys that were removed by mistake in version 1.7 - bug correction in the eMailTo() function call, in counter box and visitors posting - corrected bug in which forum, news or guestbook modification by admin would show poster's e-mail all the time (even if he checked that he did not want his e-mail to appear!) - added forum topics - show news on homepage only if the number of news to show is higher than 0 - added charset management (for languages like Arabic...) - upgraded language change in admin (in case main language is changed and no alternative language is chosen) v1.7 - 28 January 2003 - fixed a forum page n/m bug where the m returned value was false in version 1.6 - fixed display bug of pages' right column - added box Recommend to a Friend - added category ordering information for links and downloads - upgraded the migration script for version 1.7 - added 2 sample external scripts that integrate with miniPortail (file/speed.php and file/mind.php) - upgraded links to smileys in the Special box and images in page footer when scripts are run from file/ directory - fixed bug that main language news title would popup all the time - switch language without going back to index page (thanks Alex) - changed a PHP function call to have miniPortail compatible with PHP version < 4.1.0 - "invisible" bug fixed in search box v1.6 - 23 January 2003 - new languages available: Spanish and Dutch - improved translation: English - added a popup window to help choosing RGB colors - slightly updated the supervision e-mail formating sent for guestbook - added news publishing option for external sites (please refer to getmpnews.php script file) - added transition effect option between pages (for IE browser only, no effect on the other browsers) - display 10 forum messages rather than 5 - added option to let poster choose to hide or show his e-mail address on the site - corrected bug that would not save ICQ number when it was entered - added timer "page loaded in n.nn seconds" information - wrote a migration script from version 1.5 to version 1.6 v1.5 - 10 January 2003 - replaced the Lynx and WebTV browsers by iCab and DA - upgraded the counter by creating a backup of its value in case it would be accidentaly deleted - replaced Hits by Visitors in the Stats module - URL of guestbook posters now opens in a new broser's window v1.4 - 07 January 2003 - upgraded the sent text in the supervision e-mails (stripslashes) for easier reading - the counter supervision e-mail is now only sent one time - upgraded the Stats module by creating one log file per hour (to avoid loosing too much data in case this file was accidentaly erased) v1.3 - 06 January 2003 - bug correction in the Stats module (news, links, photos, poll, search and stats were counted as index) - corrected version number of miniPortail in the header of the readme.txt file - added supervision services (the web site sends e-mails to the webmaster) - use databases thread.dtb and forum.dtb introduced with v1.2 for quicker work on forum threads posts v1.2 - 05 January 2003 - upgraded the displaying speed of all pages by creating an intermediate table that holds the information needed by the articles box - accelerated the displaying speed of the Forum option - fully rewrote the Statistics option that prooved to be much too slow for a web site that would have more than about 10 visitors per day. v1.1 - 02 January 2003 - patch to avoid users to add records simultaneously on the same files (main problem found in the Stats) - Users Post forms' look & feel upgraded (was not be beautiful for screen resolution inferior to 1024x768) v1.0 - 30 December 2002 - initial release